Forwarded from the CORE Group, with thanks to Lisa Hilmi.
[CORE Group sbc] FW: Please join us - Communication for Development (C4D) Contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals: Learning from Research Supported by the UNICEF/IAMCR C4D Fund
A great event ahead!!
Subject: Please join us - Communication for Development (C4D) Contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals: Learning from Research Supported by the UNICEF/IAMCR C4D Fund
The Global Alliance for Social and Behavior Change (GA4SBC) [ ], International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), and UNICEF invite you to a webinar, Communication for Development (C4D) Contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals: Learning from Research Supported by the UNICEF/IAMCR C4D Fund, scheduled for Tuesday, 21 February 2023, 13:00 UTC / 08h00 New York / 13h00 London / 14h00 Paris / 16h00 Nairobi / 18h30 Kolkata / 21h00 Beijing. The event will last 60 minutes.
Pre-registration is required by 19 February // Register here.
The UNICEF/IAMCR Communication for Development (C4D) Research Fund [ ], established in 2019, supports small research initiatives that advance our understanding of how C4D contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Projects supported by the Fund feed into the work of GA4SBC.
In this webinar, after a brief overview of the IAMCR/UNICEF C4D Research Fund and the work of the GA4SBC, the 2021 UNICEF/IAMCR C4D Research Fund awardees will present their research, which will be responded to by academics and practitioners. The awarded projects are:
• ‘Empowering adolescent girls through digital interventions in rural Rajasthan: A case study of Girls Effect’s Chhaa Jaa (Go Forth and Shine) programme’ by Sneh Gupta and Kulveen Trehan, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India.
• ‘Trust and mistrust in a pandemic: evaluation of acceptance of COVID-19 communication tools in use in Nigeria’ by Solomon Oyeleye and Ifedolapo Ademosu, Caleb University, Nigeria.
• IAMCR Task Force on the Global Alliance for Social and Behaviour Change: Elske van de Fliert (Vice-Chair) and Tom Jacobson (Chair)
• GA4SBC: Luca Uguzzoni (Co-Chair Policy Cluster) and Debora B. Freitas Lopez (GA4SBC Chair)
• UNICEF: Gaia Chiti Strigelli (Chief Communication for Development) and Vincent Petit (Global Lead, Social and Behaviour Change)
Moderator: Luca Uguzzoni, Co-Chair GA4SBC Policy Cluster
Responses by:
• Sohini Bhattacharya, CEO, Breakthrough / GA4SBC
• Wajiha Raza Rizvi, Beaconhouse National University Lahore, Pakistan / IAMCR Gender Section
• Antje Becker-Benton, Department of Global Health / GA4SBC
• Eliza Govender, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa / IAMCR Health Communication WG
Location: The meeting will take place on Zoom. Pre-registered participants will receive personal invitations 24 hours before the webinar begins.
Any questions? Please feel free to reach out to
Looking forward to interacting with you in this session!
HIFA profile: Neil Pakenham-Walsh is coordinator of HIFA (Healthcare Information For All), a global health community with more than 20,000 members in 180 countries, interacting in four languages. HIFA brings together all stakeholders to accelerate progress towards universal access to reliable healthcare information. HIFA is administered by Global Healthcare Information Network, a UK-based non-profit in official relations with the World Health Organization.