Forwarded from our main forum HIFA. This webinar includes a focus on Zambia...
Sticking With It: Engaging Men and Boys in Family Planning Across the Life Course
November 11, 2020
9 AM Washington / 2 PM (GMT) Accra / 3 PM Abuja / 4 PM Lusaka / 5 PM Addis
When men and boys become meaningfully engaged with their own sexual and reproductive health (SRH), programs can achieve stronger SRH outcomes, including in family planning. Meaningful engagement is linked to improved uptake and continuation of contraceptive methods, prevention of unintended pregnancies, and increased birth spacing. To deepen engagement around family planning and strengthen pathways to improved outcomes, practitioners and researchers must continue to learn about the gendered realities of men and boys and their SRH-related knowledge, needs, and behaviors. These learnings must then be put into practice to inform programming that accompanies and supports men and boys as clients, as partners, and as agents of change across the life course, along with their partners, families, and communities.
This webinar will use the Do’s and Don’ts for Engaging Men and Boys ( , a practical guide developed by the Interagency Gender Working Group’s ( Male Engagement Task Force (, to showcase different strategies and approaches to meaningfully engage with men and boys in family planning at critical and sensitive points in the life course.
In this webinar, speakers will share:
* Life-course theory and its applicability to understanding men and boys’ needs
* Important considerations for meaningful engagement in family planning across the life course
* Recent experiences and insights around engaging men and boys in family planning in Niger, Togo, and Zambia
* Opportunities and challenges in engaging men and boys in different life stages and implications for programming
The webinar will be offered in English ( with simultaneous interpretation into French ( .
* Brian Heilman, Senior Research Officer, Promundo
* The Relationship Between Key Family Formation Events over the Life Course
Jeffrey Edmeades, Founder, Demografix
Kerry MacQuarrie, Senior Manager, Analysis and Research, The DHS Program (Avenir Health)
* Increasing Family Planning Uptake through Gender-Synchronized Approaches in Niger
Alice Molinier, Engagement Manager, Breakthrough ACTION (Camber Collective)
* Promoting Male Engagement in Family Planning through Couple Communication in Togo
Bethany Arnold, Technical Advisor, Jhpiego
* Reducing Stigma and Increasing Access with Integrated Health Wellness Days for Adolescents and Men in Zambia
Ruchita Pillai, Monitoring and Evaluation Advisor, Breakthrough ACTION (Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs)
HIFA profile: Marcela Aguilar is Director of Communications at Breakthrough ACTION, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Washington DC. marcela.aguilar AT