Webinar: Malaria in Ethiopia: Progress in Control and Remaining Challenges

22 April, 2023

In recognition of WorldMalariaDay on April 25th, WCEA is hosting a webinar to educate the public about the ongoing fight against malaria.

The webinar "Malaria in Ethiopia: Progress in Control and Remaining Challenges" is in collaboration with the Ethiopian Society of Internal Medicine (ESIM) and will be held on April 25th at 7 PM East Africa Time.

Hear from healthcare professionals on the ground in Ethiopia about the

progress made in controlling malaria and the challenges that remain.

Register now in the WCEA App or here:



Ralitsa Pankova

Marketing & Communications

The World Continuing Education Alliance





HIFA profile: Ralitsa Pankova works on Marketing & Communications with The World Continuing Education Alliance. https://www.facebook.com/WorldContinuingEducationAlliance/ https://twitter.com/worldcealliance https://www.linkedin.com/company/worldcontinuingeducationalliance Ralitsa.Pankova AT wcea.education