Webinar: Protection, Smoking and Use Features, June 1st

26 May, 2023

The Free Webinar hosted by the WCEA, AfroPHC & WONCA Africa will be held in English.

Webinar title: Protection, Smoking and Use Features

Date: Thursday, June 1st

Time: 3PM CAT


* Identify personal and socio-cultural beliefs, attitudes, values, and behaviours regarding tobacco and other drug use, as well as strategies for prevention through a visual display project on a specific drug-related topic or theme.

* Identify and access community resources that deal with drug education (prevention, use, misuse, abuse, and public education) and incorporate this information into a visual display project.

* Build teamwork skills that encourage collaborative work on a drug-related visual display, oral presentation, and written report.

Speaker: Miss Abena Otchere-Darko (BSC' MGHIG' CPMC' MWAIMM' PD. CIIA' PD.CSM)

Register NOW in the WCEA App or Join the Webinar platform from here:


HIFA profile: Alexander Montgomery works on Project Marketing Administration with The World Continuing Education Alliance.




alexander.montgomery AT wcea.education