Webinar: The Role of Nutrition in Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases

6 July, 2023

The Free Webinar hosted by the WCEA and APHPN will be held in English.

Webinar title: The Role of Nutrition in Prevention and Control of Non-Communicable Diseases

Date: Tuesday, 11th July 2023

Time: 3 pm Central Africa Time (CAT) / 2 pm West Africa Time (WAT)


• Increase awareness and understanding of the role of nutrition in preventing and controlling NCDs

• Empower participants with practical strategies for implementing a healthy and balanced diet to prevent NCDs

• Facilitate discussions on the role of nutrition in managing NCDs and associated complications

Speaker: Prof. Priscilla Utoo, Professor of Public Health and Community Medicine at the Benue State University, and Consultant Public Health Physician at the University Teaching Hospital

Register NOW in the WCEA App or Join the Webinar platform from here: https://wcea.education/portfolio-item/the-role-of-nutrition-in-the-preve...


Kind regards,

Alexander Montgomery

The World Continuing Education Alliance



HIFA profile: Alexander Montgomery works on Project Marketing Administration with The World Continuing Education Alliance. https://www.facebook.com/WorldContinuingEducationAlliance/ https://twitter.com/worldcealliance https://www.linkedin.com/company/worldcontinuingeducationalliance alexander.montgomery AT wcea.education