Greetings Everyone,
USAID MTaPS is pleased to announce a webinar this May 19th. Hope you can join us.
Webinar: Use of Retail Pharmacies as a Source of Essential Medicines, including Family Planning Products, for Public Sector Clients in LMICs
When: Thursday, May 19, 2022, 9:00 am ET
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Can retail pharmacies be leveraged to increase equitable access to essential medicines, including family planning products, in LMICs?
A new thought leadership paper by the USAID MTaPS Program explores the pros and cons and promising policies and strategies of using retail pharmacies to provide medicines and contraceptives to public sector clients in LMICs.
Join MTaPS and its core partner, Boston University, on Thursday, May 19 at 9:00 am ET, to learn about the study findings and participate in a panel discussion on the implementation of retail pharmacies and public sector partnerships.
Register here to join us:
Rajita Majumdar
USAID MTaPS Strategic Communications Lead
Management Sciences for Health
Arlington, VA | United States
Direct: (1) 703.310.3517
Skype: Rajita.Majumdar
Stronger health systems. Greater health impact.
HIFA profile: Rajita Majumdar is the Strategic Communications Lead, at USAID MTaPS Program Management Sciences for Health, in the United States. Professional Interests: Pharmaceutical systems, universal health coverage, quality, access and use of medicines. Email Address: rmajumdar AT