(with thanks to WAME newsletter)
Globally speaking, participants stated that they at least partially agree with the idea that paying to publish ‘damages or slows scientific advancement’. Yet, when we asked them if they felt that this model ‘has slowed or damaged my scientific career’, their opinion was less emphatic, and most of them did not feel particularly affected by the APC model: they neither agreed nor disagreed with the statement. Thus, it would seem most scholars seem to think that other people are suffering the worst consequences of this publication system, while they are among the lucky ones.
CITATION: Attitudes, willingness, and resources to cover article publishing charges: The influence of age, position, income level country, discipline and open access habits
Francisco Segado-Boj,Juan-Jose Prieto-Gutiérrez,Juan Martín-Quevedo
First published: 10 May 2022 https://doi.org/10.1002/leap.1455
Neil Pakenham-Walsh, Global Coordinator HIFA, www.hifa.org neil@hifa.org
Working in official relations with WHO