What happens when a hospital in a low-resourced setting runs out of essential medicines?
The global literature is heavy with technical documents on how we should deliver cancer care, as well as policy discourses and studies on cancer
services and systems, but it is woefully short on the reality of lived experiences. A new editorial by Prof Richard Sullivan (King's College
London, UK) and Dr Eduardo Cazap (SLACOM, Argentina and Editor in Chief, ecancer) published in ecancermedicalscience, comments on the experience of
a district hospital in Malawi struggling to deliver basic cancer care. It describes the intricate relationship and trade-offs between patients and
cancer carers in all resource constrained settings and bears witness to a reality that feels very far away from the shining bright lights of modern
cancer care with all its attendant technological trappings and choices.
The editorial is open access and can be read here
*Katie Foxall*
Head of Publishing
+44(0) 117 942 085213 King Square Avenue, Bristol, BS2 8HU
HIFA profile: Katie Foxall is Head of Publishing at eCancer, Bristol, UK. katie AT ecancer.org