WHO Bull: Overuse of medications in low- and middle-income countries: a scoping review (6)

18 April, 2023

Dr Zaki has made an important comment about the Physicians - Pharmaceutical industry Nexus. However we need to look into the possible reasons that encourage this kind of behavior. One reason that I have identified is poor regulations and control by the institute and the other is lack of support for academics and research. Research and academic require money and if the organization is not willing to invest in their physicians many of them get detr acted by the offers by the Pharmaceutical company

However there is a large number of physicians from all ranks and speciality who actually collaborate with the Pharmaceutical companies for undue favors



Dr. Farooq Azam Rathore

Consultant and Associate Professor

Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine (AFIRM) , Abid Majeed Road, Rawalpindi 46000, Pakistan

Office : 0092- 51-9272070

Appointment: 0092-300-400-675

HIFA profile: Farooq Rathore is a consultant and assistant professor in Rehabilitation Medicine at the CMH Lahore Medical College, Lahore, Pakistan. His interests include spinal cord injury rehabilitation, stroke rehabilitation, amputee management, pediatric rehabilitation and improving rehabilitation services in low resourced regions of the world. He is country coordinator /representative of International Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation , Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine , Asian Spinal Cord Injury Network and International Rehabilitation Forum. Other professionals associations include Medical Research Society of Pakistan, National Academy of Young Scientists and Pakistan Society of Rheumatology. More information on research interests and current research activities is available from http://pk.linkedin.com/in/farooqrathore farooqrathore AT gmail.com