Building Trust in Health Systems: Why The WHO Executive Board Must Prioritise Health Data Governance | Transform Health (
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"At the end of January, the WHO Executive Board is meeting to decide the agenda of the World Health Assembly and any resolutions to be considered. It is crucial that the pressing issue of health data governance is tabled and that a resolution to develop a global framework is on the agenda for the 76th World Health Assembly in May 2023.
Health data has emerged as an essential tool for strengthening health systems and responding to future health challenges. However, national, regional and global rules to govern the collection and use of data have not kept pace with the growing potential for data to support better health and well-being, or the potential harms arising from data misuse. To harness the potential, and manage the risks, of health data sharing within and across borders, countries must work together to develop a set of common regulatory standards for the governance of health data.
To build trust and maximise the public benefits of health data, Transform Health calls upon Member States to commit to the development of a global health data governance regulatory framework [ ], based on a set of equity and human rights-based Health Data Governance Principles [ ]. Such a framework, endorsed by governments through a World Health Assembly resolution, would establish an agreement between nations on a set of common regulatory standards for the governance of health data, which can be contextualised and domesticated through national legislation. This would ensure that health data is shared and used for the public good whilst protecting individual rights, and lay the foundation for improved public trust in health systems – one where individuals feel protected, respected and in control of their own data while allowing institutions working to protect the health and well-being of the population to access and use data for public good."
'Transform Health is a coalition of organisations that advocate for the equitable digital transformation of health systems - to achieve health for all.
Multi-sectoral collaboration
50 + organisations from different sectors form the coalition, comprising civil society, academia, professional bodies, the private sector and grassroot organisers.
6 national coalitions
in Kenya, Indonesia, Ecuador, Senegal, India & Mexico to enable the digital transformation of health nationally.
Influencing regional agendas
In East Africa, Asia, Latin America and West & Central Africa in partnership with regional networks.'
HIFA profile: Richard Fitton is a retired family doctor - GP. Professional interests: Health literacy, patient partnership of trust and implementation of healthcare with professionals, family and public involvement in the prevention of modern lifestyle diseases, patients using access to professional records to overcome confidentiality barriers to care, patients as part of the policing of the use of their patient data Email address: richardpeterfitton7 AT