Dear all,
As some will recall between May and December, a call was announced and developed for the search for solutions (social innovations) implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic in Latin-America and the Caribbean. The selection process carried out by an external panel of experts was completed.
We invite you to learn about the winning initiatives that were recently recognized by PAHO/WHO on the Universal Health Day, December 14, 2021. You will learn about the problem addressed and the solution implemented by the same innovators from Colombia, Brazil, Guatemala and Trinidad and Tobago. It is exciting to learn about the motivations and commitment of the innovators and their team including the communities involved.
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Best regards
SIHI LAC (Social Innovation for Health Initiative in Latin-America and the Caribbean) / Honduras Node
Jackeline Alger, MD, PhD
Servicio de Parasitologia
Departamento de Laboratorio Clinico
Hospital Escuela
Tegucigalpa, HONDURAS
HIFA profile: Jackeline Alger, MD, PhD, is a parasitologist working at the Departamento de Laboratorio Clínico, Hospital Escuela and at the Unidad de Investigación Científica, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH), Tegucigalpa, Honduras. She is a board member of the Instituto de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Parasitologia Antonio Vidal (IAV), a non-profit organization devoted to training, advising, and conducting research in the field of infectious diseases. She combines clinical laboratory work, teaching, and research activities with mentoring students, faculty and health professionals performing health research, building interdisciplinary bridges, promoting international collaboration, and networking to advance scientific and ethical research and social innovation for health in Honduras. She is a Country Representative for HIFA and CHIFA and is the 2-time holder of HIFA Country Representative of the Year Award 2015 and 2018.
Email: jackelinealger AT