World Breastfeeding Week (2)

2 August, 2021

I confirm that in poor countries breastmilk substitutes are gaining the market, every day more. Urbanization plays a role.

Being in my power I'd impose the law of indicating the origin of formula milk well on tins, such as "this milk has been obtained from cows, therefore is suitable for children of cows". A picture of a cow lactating a

calf would add more sense.

Indeed most mothers and also nurses(!) do ignore the real origin of formula milk: commercial ethics suggests to inform customers about the containt of any product, why not for milk?

Greetings from Dodoma


CHIFA profile: Massimo Serventi is a long-standing Pediatrician working in Africa since 1982. He has worked for several NGOs in 6 African/2 Asian countries. His interests include clinical and community pediatrics, adherence to clinical guidelines and school education as the major determinant of good health. massimoser20 AT