Dear HIFA country representatives, HIFA colleagues and friends,
On the 3rd of March 2024 is World Hearing Day. World Hearing Day (#WHD) is a yearly event and its aim is to raise awareness and advocate regarding hearing loss and promoting ear and hearing care. The WHO and its partners carry activities based on the theme.
This year the theme is "Changing Mindsets : Let us make hearing and ear care a reality for all".
I am happy to tell you today that I am starting an online campaign in virtual communities called "Your Ear Matters" (hashtag #YourEarMatters #WHD ) and I am inviting you All to join me online via twitter so we can arise awareness. Using the hashtag tags #WorldHearingDay , #whd and #YourEarsMatters.
In fact, globally today 1 out of 5 people live with a hearing loss and this number will increase till 2030. 80 percent of hearing losses are in low and middle income countries and many do not receive access to interventions.
Warm regards,
Didier Demassosso
HIFA country representative coordinator WHO Afro Region
HIFA country representative for Cameroon
HIFA profile: Didier Demassosso is a mental health practitioner, Consultant (WHO , MoPH Cameroon...), Mental health advocate , Youth advocate with 10 years experience in mental health development in Cameroon. He is also a health communicator and educationist. HIFA Country Representative For Cameroon/ HIFA Country Representative of the year 2014 / Regional Coordinator for Africa. He also currently volunteers for the Mental Health Innovation Network Africa as Knowledge Exchange Assistant. Email: didier.demassosso AT