Riders for Health is an international social enterprise. We manage and maintain vehicles for health-focused partners in sub-Saharan Africa. Our expertise in transport management enables health workers to deliver vital health care to rural communities on a reliable and cost-effective basis.
Quality Medical (QMed) Knowledge Foundation is a registered Trust set up in 2007. Our aim is to help medical students, academicians, practitioners and consumers integrate best practices in searching medical literature, and critically appraising the same, resulting in delivery and availability of optimal health care services.
Public Health Perspective (PHP) is the youth led newsletter. It has nine sections broken down as editorial, letters to the editor, national news, global health, featured articles, journal watch, WHO publications, advertisements (seminars, workshops, conferences, book releases etc.), and being healthy.
The Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) Chandigarh was conceived in 1960 as a center of excellence which would endeavour to develop patterns of teaching in postgraduate medical education in as many branches as possible and attempt to produce specialists in several disciplines of medicine. It was also envisaged that these specialists would spread out in the country in various medical colleges and medical institutions and impart medical education of highest standard to the students and set up nucleus of excellence in their own institutions.
Combining over 40 years of experience in education, quality assurance and software development with a passion for making learning ‘delightful’ and a genuine interest in how people learn, Pilgrim Projects specialise in developing work-based learning programmes in open, distance and e-learning formats, with a particular focus on healthcare and education.
Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine considers articles on the philosophy of medicine and biology, and on ethical aspects of clinical practice and research.
Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine is an open access, peer-reviewed online journal that encompasses all aspects of the philosophy of medicine and biology, and the ethical aspects of clinical practice and research. It also considers papers at the intersection of medicine and humanities, including the history of medicine, that are relevant to contemporary philosophy of medicine and bioethics.
The Perinatal Education Programme (PEP) is produced and distributed by the Perinatal Education Trust, a non-profit organisation which aims to improve the care of pregnant women and their newborn infants, especially in poor, rural communities.
PEP presents a unique form of self-help training for health professionals which places the responsibility for continuing education on the participants themselves. It is cheap, appropriate, practical and does not require a teacher.