Our editorial 'Healthcare information for all', co-authored with Fiona Godlee (Editor-in-Chief, BMJ), has just been published in The BMJ.
This editorial was prompted by the recent official statement on 'Healthcare Information For All' by the World Medical Association, which represents more than 10 million doctors worldwide.
Note that the editorial ends with a call to action: "Action is now needed to take these recommendations forward. HIFA plans to establish a multidisciplinary working group to assess, act, and monitor progress on each recommendation. The group will include representatives from WMA, the BMA and other national medical associations, WHO, and other providers and users of healthcare information."
The HIFA Steering Group is meeting this week, Wednesday 4th March, to plan next steps. As Joseph Ana wrote last night "Let’s maximize the opportunity created by this publication to speed up action on HIFA's mission".