The HIFA Access to Health Research working group is supporting a third thematic discussion here on HIFA from 19 December 2016 to 13 January 2017 around the following four questions:
1. How can research be made available in the right language, both for producers as well as consumers of health research?
2. How can we improve access to the full text of research papers?
3. How can we improve access to complementary and derivative publications (eg plain-language summaries, commentaries, policy briefs)?
4. How can we improve the availability and use of health research in LMICs through non-traditional dissemination channels (eg social media, communities of practice, blogs, mobile phones)?
Background: In our first discussion we addressed the question: How can health research from low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) be made more visible and accessible? Highlights of this discussion are available here: http://www.hifa.org/sites/default/files/publications_pdf/How%20can%20health%20research%20from%20LMICs%20be%20made%20more%20accessible_0.pdf
The second discussion looked at the question How can research be made more accessible to users in LMICs? Highlights are in preparation and will be available shortly.#
In 2017 the working group will analyse the discussions, identify priorities, and support the HIFA community for advocacy and action.