We are delighted to announce a new HIFA programme on Evidence-informed Policy and Practice. Financially supported by TDR, the Special Programme on Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, the World Health Organization (WHO) and The Lancet
Download the publicity and discussion questions for HIFA Evidence Informed Policy and Practice 2016 Please forward to your contacts and networks.
Join the main discussion (HIFA English) here
Health research globally has increased exponentially in the last few decades. Improved health systems that increase access to care are dependent on the successful translation of this research evidence into policy and practice. However, bridging the gap between researchers, policy-makers and health workers who implement the policies into practise is challenging, especially in low- and middle-income countries.
Healthcare Information For All (HIFA) is launching the first of three discussions, Evidence-informed country-level policy-making, on 22 February 2016. This will explore drivers and barriers to the uptake of evidence into policy and practice, what has worked and what has not worked in different contexts, and how these challenges could be better addressed in the future (e.g. capacity building, access initiatives, raising awareness of key information sources). Future discussions will explore challenges of policymaking and implementation around specific health issues (please contact us if you would like to propose a specific issue).
The discussion will take place on the main HIFA forum (English) and, in parallel, on CHIFA (child health and rights), HIFA-French, and HIFA-Zambia. The discussion will continue to the end of March 2016, when the content will be summarised and made widely available.
Questions for discussion
1. What is evidence-informed policymaking? Why do countries need it?
2. How is policy currently made in different countries?
3. What are the key challenges for policymakers?
4. What mechanisms are in place to support policymaking in your country? Which organisations provide support globally and nationally?
5. What needs to be done at global and country level to strengthen evidence-informed policymaking?
We are especially keen to share and learn from the practical experience of policymakers, researchers and knowledge brokers, including case studies from different countries.
We invite everyone who cares about health to join HIFA, share your experience, and learn from others in this free global forum.
Contact: Dr Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator: neil@hifa.org
17 February 2016