As we approach the end of another successful year, the HIFA Steering Group is delighted to announce that the World Medical Association (WMA), which represents more than 10 million doctors worldwide, has unanimously approved and published a Statement on Healthcare Information For All in recognition of the significance of tackling information poverty to improve global health. This statement was proposed by the British Medical Association which has long supported HIFA's efforts to improve access to timely, current and evidence-based healthcare information globally.
HIFA looks forward to collaborate with WMA, BMA, WHO and other stakeholders to implement the seven recommendations in the Statement.
1. Promote initiatives to improve access to healthcare information
2. Promote standards of good practice and ethics
3. Support research to identify enablers and barriers to the availability of healthcare information
4. Ensure that health professionals, especially those in LMICs, have access to evidence-based information on diagnosis and treatment of diseases
5. Combat myths and misinformation
6. Urge governments to recognize their moral obligation to improve the availability and use of evidence-based healthcare information
7. Urge governments to provide political and financial support.