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Newborn resuscitation (3)

4 March, 2021

Dear Dr. Ikechukwu ...

Reviewing old correspondence, from CHIFA, I came across this review of your

article, 'Newborn resuscitation practices and paucity of resuscitative

devices in Nigeria; a call to action'.

As a clinical practitioner & educator of EmONC in Uganda for many years, I

am always surprised & perplexed by the continued inability to 1) adequately

train front line workers, and 2) provide & maintain adequate equipment for

these front line health professionals.

I would be very interested to know how the situation has evolved in your

jurisdiction since the publication of your excellent review.


Mickey Rostoker

Mickey Rostoker, MD, FCFP, is Associate Clinical Professor, Family Practice, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, and Assistant Professor, Family Medicine, University of Saskatchewan, Regina, Canada. He is a HIFA Country Representative: http://www.hifa.org/people/country-representatives


mrostoker AT gmail.com