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Professional association

Association de Medicine Physique et de Readaptation de Madagascar (AMPRmada)

We are physicians practicing physical medicine and rehabilitation, keen to promote this specialty in our country. Thus we grouped in the A ssociation of M edical P hysical and R éadaptation of Mada gascar or "DMPA Mada " that we just created. According to the principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the person 's disability , our association aims to contribute to giving people with disabilities the best possible functional independence and a better quality of life for their inclusion in of the society.



World Young Doctors' Organization

Upon their graduation young doctors start a working life that is very interesting, challenging and rewarding; they can finally bring into practice what they have been studying for many years. This is also a time in the lives of young doctors when they are faced with several important questions: how to find a job? How to deal with their new-found responsibilities? How to advance further in their careers? Which specialty to choose? This is paralleled with a period of considerable change in their private lives, such as balancing between family and career.




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