Ozge Karadag Caman works as a public health researcher at the Center for Sustainable Development of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. She earned her medical degree at Istanbul University, and her MSc and PhD Degrees in Public Health at Hacettepe University in Turkey. She also holds a postgrad degree in health promotion from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. Dr. Karadag Caman has more than 12 years of experience in different higher education settings and more than 15 years of international experience working in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams to conduct research, develop public health policies and programs for different vulnerable/disadvantaged groups, such as young people, refugee/migrant populations, people living with HIV, and persons with mental or physical disabilities. Her main research interests are vulnerable/ disadvantaged populations and health inequalities, health promotion and education, migrant/refugee health, community mental health, stigma and discrimination, community participation and sustainable development.