Anne Brice is the Head of Knowledge Management for Public Health England, the expert national public health agency with a mission to protect and improve the nation’s health and to reduce inequalities. After qualifying in 1983, Anne has had a variety of positions in academic and health libraries, including the University of London, Borders Health Board, and the University of Oxford. She has held a range of national roles, including those with the former National Library for Health, NHS National Knowledge Service, and the Department of Health. Prior to joining Public Health England she was Head of Knowledge Management at Better Value Health Care, and seconded to the NHS Choices commissioning team at the Department of Health. She helped set up CASP International and has worked internationally with a range of partners and colleagues. Anne’s professional interests include evidence based practice, professional development, and the information professionals role in facilitating knowledge translation. She is currently undertaking a DPhil in Evidence Based Health Care at the University of Oxford in the area of participant experience in internet-based clinical trials.