Maria Musoke

Makerere University

Maria G. N. Musoke is Uganda's first female Professor of Information Science. She was University Librarian at Makerere University in Uganda from 2004 to 2014. She then moved to the School of Library and Information Science in the same University, as a Professor, from January 2015 and took a sabbatical for 1 year to write a book. The book is titled: Informed and healthy: theoretical and applied perspectives on the value of information to health care and it was published by Academic Press/Elsevier in 2016. She is the current Chair of IFLA Health and Bio sciences Libraries Standing committee. Formerly she was Medical Librarian at the Albert Cook Medical Library and her background is in the biological sciences and librarianship/information studies at postgraduate level. She is one of the founder members of AHILA and she has been actively involved in its activities including being a keynote speaker in 2004 and 2014 at AHILA's biennial Congresses. She is a Council member of the Uganda National Academy of Sciences and chairs the Council Women in Sciences Committee. She  initiated Communication for Better Health (CBH) in Uganda, coordinated AIM and other local, regional and international health information activities. She obtained a PhD in Information Studies from the University of Sheffield, UK. Her research interests include: value and impact of health information, access and use of health information by health workers and ordinary people particularly women, information behaviour. 


Working group membership(s):
Library and Information Services
Makerere University