Nand Wadhwani is a Founding Trustee of The Mother and Child Health and Education Trust (MCHET) http://motherchildtrust.org/ . Over the past 17 years he has launched several programmes to address the challenge of improving health education in underdeveloped countries. MCHET works primarily in the areas of mother and child nutrition, water, hygiene, sanitation and diarrhoea prevention and management. Nand firmly believes that the most effective and efficient way to advance health education is by employing a mix of established and newer communication technologies to deliver contextually-appropriate messages directly to the people who need it most. He is presently working on the implementation of HealthPhone. This is a free information service preloaded on a mobile phone device, that accommodates both literate and non-literate users. It provides relevant, reliable health and nutrition material in various formats video, audio and text and is is available in more than 60 languages, without a connection or cost. Using rich multimedia, HealthPhone puts life-saving and life-changing facts and methodologies directly in the hands of those who can use it in an accessible format and with 24x7x365 availability, anywhere they go. It is designed to save many lives. He is a HIFA2015 Steering Group member. nand AT motherchildtrust.org