Shakeel Panchoo

Health and Safety Promotion Network

Shakeel Panchoo holds a MSc in Health Care Management, Wales, UK and a MSc Safety Promotion, KI, Sweden. He retired as Head of the Health Information, Education and Communication Unit at the Ministry of Health and Quality of Life, Mauritius in November 2011 to take employment as Communication Manager on a contract basis at the Ministry of Environment & Sustainable Development.His one year contract has come to term in November 2012. His recent achievement has been the production of a short clip entitled ‘Maurice Ile Durable’ (Mauritius A Sustainable Island) in English, French and Creole versions. This clip is available on and the French version has been presented at the RIO+20 Earth Summit in Brazil in June 2012. He is now the Managing Director of Tropical Enterprise Co. Ltd which is a Business & Consultancy Company. He is also President of the Health and Safety Promotion Network (NGO). Professional interests include: (i) Health Promotion in view to bring about behaviour modifications in the lifestyles of the population, especially in children by informing and educating them about the benefits of adopting healthy lifestyles since their young age; (ii)Safety Promotion educate both adults and children about safe behaviours at home, in their living environment and on the road, amongst others. shakeelpanchoo AT