10 messages on Climate Change - Can you Help? (6)

22 April, 2023

Dear Clare and all,

Thank you for your message on Children for Health co-creating sets of health messages for young adolescents to learn and share, and thank you to all HIFA and CHIFA members who have responded.


I would just like to flag the possibility that HIFA (and CHIFA) could collaborate with Children for Health (and others) to explore issues around communication of health risks of climate change on our forums.

As a general comment I invite all HIFA members to consider the possibility of sponsorship for *any* challenge that would benefit from deep-dive exploration on the HIFA forums. This can be direct or through a third-party funder. In the latter case, HIFA can be a co-applicant or can be a small partner in a large research consortium (see for example our work on mHEALTH-INNOVATE and SUPPORT-SYSTEMS).

Most of HIFA's income currently comes from such sponsored thematic discussions (like the Tobacco discussion we have just completed). These rich 6-week discussions have been sponsored by a wide range of organisations including WHO, Elsevier, Norwegian Research Council, Global Health Academy at the University of Edinburgh and many others, often resulting in conference presentations and publication in peer-reviewed journals. Contact me to explore options: neil@hifa.org

Best wishes, Neil

HIFA profile: Neil Pakenham-Walsh is coordinator of HIFA (Healthcare Information For All), a global health community that brings all stakeholders together around the shared goal of universal access to reliable healthcare information. HIFA has 20,000 members in 180 countries, interacting in four languages and representing all parts of the global evidence ecosystem. HIFA is administered by Global Healthcare Information Network, a UK-based nonprofit in official relations with the World Health Organization. Email: neil@hifa.org