Dear HIFA-members around the world - me getting back in touch with some updates and invitation to collaborate!
As you may remember, I am working at the interface of sports & exercise, vegetarian-vegan nutrition, and sustainable health, especially focusing on different populations from athletes to school and university populations (pupils/students, teachers/academic staff) health education and literacy based on the dual approach to sustainable and lifelong health by the permanent connection of both the pillars (1) healthy diet/nutrition and (2) regular PA, sports & exercise:
Since I joined here, we were busy within 3 main projects of these each is a follow-up of the previous one:
Now, again, we try to go for the next steps, looking for interested, reliable and robust partners to create a consortium for (a) meaningful application(s)
HORIZON-HLTH-2024-STAYHLTH-01-02-two-stage: Towards a holistic support to children and adolescents’ health and care provisions in an increasingly digital society (based on Project No. (2) and (3) from above; Release is End Nov 2022, Deadline is Sept 2023)
Study on sustainable nutrition in Football (follow-up, based on Project No. (1) from above)
Consensus-paper under creation on todays Health Paradox, based on 2 Meetings:
Wirnitzer K, Drenowatz C, Kirschner W, Tanous D, Rosemann T (2020). International Research & Knowledge Exchange for Addressing Today’s Global Health Paradox. Frontiers in Public Health. Event Abstracts. ISBN: 978-2-88966-537-2. DOI: 10.3389/978-2-88966-537-2.
Wirnitzer K, Gatterer L, Thaler J (8. Juni 2022). The future in (y)our hands � Be the Game Changers! Public Health entsteht durch bessere Gesundheit jedes Einzelnen. PHT-IFE mit LFUI-ISW, MUI; Innsbruck, Audimax, Fritz-Pregl-Str. 3. A symposium by students for students about the future of human and planetary health with internationally and nationally recognized experts in cooperation with the Medical University of Innsbruck (MUI), University College of Teacher Education Tyrol (PHT), and Leopold‐Franzens University of Innsbruck (LFUI), each with the Austrian Student Union (ÖHs).
I hope with this info is of help for your work (publications) and also has the potential to attract some colleagues from all areas of expertise of the HIFA network in order to connect for upcoming follow-up projects.
Looking forward to your message(s),
Kindly Katharina
Dr. rer. nat. Katharina Wirnitzer (PhD)
Institut für fachdidaktische und bildungswissenschaftliche Forschung und Entwicklung
Department of Research and Development in Teacher Education
Ein Bild, das Text, ClipArt enthält.Automatisch generierte Beschreibung
Pädagogische Hochschule Tirol
University College of Teacher Education Tyrol
Pastorstraße 7/A.008, 2. OG, A - 6010 Innsbruck
Termine nach Vereinbarung
Dates by arrangement
Member of Schools for Health in Europe - SHE Research Group
Studienleitung (PI)
HIFA profile: Katharina Wirnitzer works at the Department of Research and Development in Teacher Education in University College of Teacher Education Tyrol, Austria.