BMJ Open Quality Riphah Pakistan Edition

1 August, 2024

Dear All

Peace to you and yours

I would like to share the link of published “BMJ Open Quality Riphah Pakistan Edition”

It includes studies / papers in the space of Healthcare Quality & Patient Safety


Dr. Zakiuddin Ahmed

Professor of Digital Health

Director, Riphah Institute of Healthcare Improvement & Safety

Chairman, International Conference on Patient Safety

Secretary, Health Research Advisory Board

Founder, Institute of Innovation Leadership in Medicine

Founder & Health Coach, SELF 4 Health

Developing Innovative Solutions in Healthcare

Dr. Zakiuddin Ahmed

CEO, Digital Care (Pak)


Riphah Institute of Healthcare Improvement & Safety (Pak)

Co Founder & CSO A.V. (USA)

President, MDRM (Canada)

Advisor, TruDoc (KSA)

Founder, Institute of Innovation Leadership in Medicine (IiLM)

Digital Health. Patient Safety. Research. Leadership

President, HQSAP

Convenor, Health Asia

V. Chairman, OPEN Karachi

Convenor, Digital Health Pakistan

Adjunct Professor, Digital Health, HSA

Secretary, Health Research Advisory Board

Visiting Professor, King Edward Medical University

Chairman, International Conference on Patient Safety


mobile: +92 300 8222298 <>

HIFA profile: Zakiuddin Ahmed is a strategist, healthcare entrepreneur, coach, mentor and a visionary physician leader who specializes in fostering collaborations to create socially beneficial & innovative solutions in Healthcare utilizing information technology with a Patient Centric Focus. His main areas of expertise include Digital Health, Patient Safety, Health esearch, & Healthcare Leadership. His leadership positions include: Adjunct Professor Digital Health, HSA; Managing Editor, Journal of Healthcare Quality & Safety; Editor, BMJ Open Quality Riphah Pakistan Edition; Secretary, Health Research Advisory Board; Founder & Executive Coach, Institute of Innovation Leadership in Medicine (IiLM); Chairman, International Conference on Patient Safety (ICPS); Director, Riphah Institute of Healthcare Improvement & Safety; CEO, Digital Care; Country Representative, HIFA.