Doctors on mission International, a volunteer based organization organized a 1 day medical camp at Bulangira Health center III and Goli-goli village in Kibuku District on 27th July 2024. The event was aimed at increasing awareness on common childhood illnesses, non communicable diseases, surgical complications, HIV/AIDs awareness and general medical care to the people.
The medical camp was organized in partnership with local churches, Kibuku local government and other partners. It saw close to 600 people with life changing free medical and surgical consultations, bookings for surgical procedures to be done later in September at Kibuku Health center IV, Kibuku district. The most common illnesses included; Childhood illnesses, gynecological complications, surgical conditions including hernias, non-communicable illnesses including diabetes, hypertension, dental conditions and eye conditions. People were able to recieve consultations from specialists and appropriately recieved care and medications.
The medical camp had already been approved by the Ministry of Health through the Uganda medical & Dental practitioner's Council, local council authorities and village health committees. The District Health Officer commended Doctors on mission for choosing to bring the medical camp in Kibuku and requested for a bi-annual medical camp program with the district in the coming years to enable more people to access specialized care locally through such platforms. He assured the organizers that such platform's for care are always welcome to the district and the village.
The In-Charge of Bulangira Health center III also commended the leadership of Doctors on mission International for choosing to bring a medical camp at the facility and for caring for the community extensively. She was grateful to the prospect of surgical care for the people who had been booked.
The LC III chairperson was very grateful and thankful to the whole medical and nursing team for the great work rendered during the medical camp and requested for more camps in the village.
HIFA profile: Paul Mulyamboga is a Team Leader at Doctors On Mission International, Uganda. Professioal interests: Community Medical Healthcare; Charity Medical Outreach; Training. Email: paulmulyamboga1994 AT