Faculty and administrator development workshop: Global health study abroad, service-learning, & practicums

29 July, 2024

CUGH, AAC&U, CISG, CFHI and other collaborators invite you and your colleagues (open to faculty and administrators from graduate and undergraduate levels) to join the Faculty Development Workshop focusing on building and improving quality of experiential global health education.

This is a great opportunity to benchmark with peers, develop programming/partnerships, and ensure you are adhering to best practices (as well as abreast of controversies in best practices). The workshop will take place in Costa Rica January 25-February 1, 2025. Teams from universities/departments/schools have particularly benefit from the opportunity to deep dive during the week. 94% of prior participants would recommend the workshop to colleagues - here is some feedback we have received:

“Deeply grateful for the opportunity to attend!!! Great work, and thank you for your patience and energy throughout the week!”

“It was very helpful when the facilitators discussed the concrete case situations to illustrate the points.”

“The team members are total pros.”

“I would definitely recommend it to others, and I hope that in a year or two one of my colleagues teaching in the global health program will also be able to participate.”

“Also--and I'm not sure why--I didn't expect the workshop to be fun, so the fact that I found it to be a lot of fun was a bonus. Thank you!”

Register here (spots are limited):


Best, Jess


Jessica Evert MD

Global Medical Director, Child Family Health International


Clinical Professor, UCSF Department of Family and Community Medicine

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Ph: 415-957-9000 ext. 802

Let the World Change You.

**Due to my family/work balance, my work hours may look different than yours. Please do not feel any pressure to respond to this email outside of your own work schedule.**

HIFA profile: Jessica Evert is Global Medical Director, Child Family Health International, USA.