Few more comments
Use of phones
1. Mobile phones are used to search for information. What sites are being used for reference and how are these sites vetted for accuracy and appropriateness for that area (lack of resources for medications and diagnostic tools?) Are the sites updated and by whom? language? any sites recording? native language?
2. Sharing experience must be careful that these experiences were using appropriate meds, etc.
3. Is there a mechanism to have someone with additional education review WhatsApp discussions for gross errors or is this too intrusive?
4. How are physicians re-imbursed for time spent with community health worker? Is there a problem with this?
Michele Meltzer, M.D.
HIFA profile: Michele Meltzer is a rheumatologist at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia, Pa. who is developing a MOOC to teach rheumatology in low and middle income countries.
Email address: michele.meltzer AT jefferson.edu