We have a blended learning platform where we regularly teach inpatients about their diseases, show them their anatomical area of involvement through google images even take them to the dissection hall to meet the dead body and see the same anatomical area in a different way that google images may not always provide.
HIFA profile: Rakesh Biswas is Professor at Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences Narketpally Hyderabad. He has worked in India, Nepal and Malaysia and his interests include Medical Cognition, Clinical problem solving and case based reasoning applied to patient centred health care and health education. Honorary appointments: Deputy Editor, BMJ Case Reports, UK. http://casereports.bmj.com/site/about/ ;
Editor in Chief of the International Journal of User Driven Healthcare, in the USA.
www.igi-global.com/ijudh rakesh7biswas AT gmail.com