Hi everyone
I salute you. As announced below, I am interested to receive your newsletter directly and to become a member of HIFA MHEALTH-INNOVATE. Please act on this proposal. [*see note below]
I count on your understanding.
Onwards nonstop and forever
Executive Director
OP UN Major Groups for the Caribbean region
Facilitator UN-Environment for Latin America and the Caribbean
Phone/ whatsapp : + 50939065503/44496603/37427722
Emails: unascadhaiti@gmail.com/unascad15janv@gmail.com/unascadhaiti13am@yah
Facebook :info.unascad.org
Skype / Microsot Teams :unascad-ht1989@hotmail.com
Tweeter :@unascad
HIFA profile: Joseph Severe is Executive Director of the Union of Socio-Cultural Friends of Action in Development (UNASCAD), Haiti. Professional interest: Digital health. unascadhaiti AT gmail.com
[*Note from NPW, moderator: Thank you Joseph, you would be welcome to join the mHEALTH-INNOVATE working group. Please review our project page here:https://www.hifa.org/projects/mhealth-innovate-what-can-we-learn-health-... Contact: neil@hifa.org In the meantime, we look forward to hear your reflections on the use of mobile phones by health workers in Haiti. Please send to: hifa@hifaforums.org ]