Pre-publication release of Treatment of Migrant Children on the US Southern Border Is Torture

1 November, 2020

Please use the link below to read a pre-publication release in *Pediatrics* of a manuscript that redefines the treatment of children at the US Southern border as torture.

Citation: Oberg C, Kivlahan C, Mishori R, et al. Treatment of migrant children on the US southern border is torture. Pediatrics. 2020; doi: 10.1542/peds.2020-012930

Synopsis: The separation of children from parents and their treatment at the US Southern border is cruel, unusual and constitutes torture requiring action by pediatricians.


to access scroll down to those posted on October 27, 2020

The Perspective piece seeks to redefine the context and parlance of how we consider and respond to the treatment of all children in all countries as torture.

The manuscript resulted from collaboration catalyzed by the ISSOP annual meeting in Beirut. It includes members of ISSOP, Physicians for Human Rights, and the University of California at San Francisco's Center on Health and Human Rights.

Please consider the opportunity to use this framework and parlance in your work with refugees—much of the treatment of children on the move rises to the level of torture.

Dr. Jeffrey Goldhagen, ISSOP President Florida-Jacksonville,

Dr. Charles Oberg

CHIFA profile: Charles Oberg is a Pediatrician at University of Minnesota, USA. Professional interests: Global child health, children's rights and implementation of the CRC.

Email address: oberg001 AT