Quality (340) New WHO Quality Toolkit

22 June, 2022

On Monday 20 June WHO launched the Quality Toolkit - a new interactive, online resource for anyone at any level of the health system interested in improving the quality of health services.

The Quality Toolkit provides users with tools to facilitate specific actions to enhance the quality of health services. It is a companion resource to WHO Quality Health Services: a planning guide which provides an outline of key actions to be taken across the health system. The Toolkit then supports these actions with numerous tools. It also enhances understanding of the key interlinkages across the health system when implementing any tool.

The Toolkit incorporates key WHO-published tools and other materials related to quality of health services. It will be updated periodically to reflect new and emerging information relevant to improving quality of health services, including WHO technical products currently under development.

The Quality Toolkit is available at: https://qualityhealthservices.who.int/quality-toolkit

HIFA members are invited to navigate the Toolkit and consider how they might use the tools as part of their improvement efforts. WHO welcomes feedback on the Toolkit qualitytoolkit@who.int

Jules Storr

Independent Consultant, S3 Global & working with WHO as part of the Quality Toolkit development team

HIFA profile: Julie Storr has over a decade of experience working for WHO on the development, implementation and evaluation of global improvement programmes in the field of patient safety, quality and infection prevention and control, with a focus on behaviour change. Her current work spans two WHO units – quality Universal Health Coverage and Global Infection Prevention and Control (IPC). Her technical and leadership expertise was called on to support WHO’s Ebola response and recovery efforts in 2014/15, with a focus on national IPC policy development in Sierra Leone. She led on the development of the recently published evidence based WHO Guidelines on the Core Components of Infection Prevention and Control Programmes at the National and Acute Health Care Facility Level. She was previously President of the Infection Prevention Society of the UK and Ireland, Assistant Director at the English National Patient Safety Agency and Director of the seminal cleanyourhands campaign. Julie has authored a book (Perspectives and Perceptions of IPC – highly commended at the 2016 BMA Medical Book Awards), published widely in the academic literature and is peer reviewer of a range of academic journals including Implementation Science, and on the international advisory board of the Journal of Infection Prevention. She is currently studying for a doctorate in public health (health care leadership and management) at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore. @hifa_org




storrju AT who.int