Dear Neil & HIFA colleagues,
In a recent TDR* article entitled "The key to better patient outcomes for snakebite victims is action at community level", Dr Winnie Bore, founder of the Snakebite Rescue, Rehabilitation and Research Centre in Kenya, discusses her research and reflects on the lack of funding for snakebite. She says:
".. the incidence of lymphatic filariasis is the same as snakebite, but receives much more funding and treatment infrastructure. The level of interest in these two diseases by decision-makers is quite different. Likewise, malaria patients at all levels of the health system benefit from well-organized and rapid diagnosis and treatment, which facilitates treatment and care. Snakebite victims need the same level of public health services."
I would invite discussion on why this difference in funding and treatment exists, and how the imbalance might be addressed.
The full article can be read here:
*the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases
Best wishes
Dr Julie N Reza
HIFA profile: Julie N Reza is a UK-based specialist in communications for biosciences, global health & international development ( She predominantly works with NGOs and not-for-profit organisations. Previously she was the senior science editor at TDR, based at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva; prior to this she worked at the Wellcome Trust, UK, leading educational projects on international health topics including trypanosomiasis and trachoma. She has a PhD in immunology and a specialist degree in science communication. She also has several years research and postgraduate teaching experience. She is a member of the HIFA Steering Group and HIFA Social Media Working Group.
Email: naimareza AT