SUPPORT-SYSTEMS (78) Q3 Examples of civil society organisations and health policymaking (18)

8 June, 2022

Yes. Through the National Council of Health NGOs in the DRC. The CNOS is a translation into action of the relevant recommendations and the will expressed by the delegates of African countries during the international conference held in Dakar/Senegal from 16 to 18 August 1998 on the partnership in health between governments, NGOs and the WHO and other external partners in the African region. It responds to the need expressed by the government, NGOs and health sector support partners in the DRC.

As such, the CNOS participates at all levels of national bodies and the National Steering Committee mechanism for the CNP-SS health sector. The latter is in fact a functional structure for intra-sectoral and inter-sectoral consultation at the national level whose mandate is to support the Ministry of Public Health in its role of leadership and coordination of the sector with a view to ensuring: the definition of major political and strategic orientations; monitoring the implementation of national policies and strategies, aligning interventions within the sector with health policy and the health system strengthening strategy.

And by experience, the CNOS leads the advocacy for the mobilization of substantial resources and concrete and concerted actions in favor of the health sector and participates in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the actions and programs of the country and the assessment of their impact on the beneficiary population.

HIFA profile: Dennis-Robert Kingombe is a health librarian and health journalist in Democratic Republic of Congo. derokin AT

[*Note from NPW, moderator: For more on the HIFA SUPPORT-SYSTEMS project, see: ]