Extracts below from a WHO Africa Regional Office news item. Read online: https://www.afro.who.int/news/where-does-cancer-care-stand-africa-today
Where does cancer care stand in Africa today?
11 March 2022
What is the current situation of cancer care in Africa?
Cancer care in Africa has greatly improved over the last 10 years... Many patients in Africa are diagnosed with advanced cancers and do not complete their care. There are several reasons for this, cost being the main one: patients frequently must pay out of pocket to access care, incurring expenses that can be financially catastrophic...
A major hurdle has been the deficits in the existing oncology workforce along the entire cancer care continuum... Many regions also contend with dysfunctional systems and weak oncology infrastructure. These are further compounded by socio-cultural barriers such as fatalism and stigma, a general lack of awareness by both providers and populations on cancer signs and symptoms, and the use of alternative therapies that can delay care. Service quality varies, with a lack of regulation of services and products used, treatment protocols and adherence to guidelines...
The dream of value-based, high-quality, cost-effective cancer care across Africa remains our goal. If we harness our collective efforts and strengths, we will get there.
Neil Pakenham-Walsh, HIFA Coordinator, neil@hifa.org www.hifa.org