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George Institute for Global Health

The George Institute for Global Health is a health and medical research institute whose mission is to improve the health of millions of people worldwide. With projects in more than 50 countries, we have raised over 500 million dollars for global health research since 1999 and we have been ranked among the top 10 research institutions in the world for scientific impact by the SCImago Institution Rankings World Report in 2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014.


United Kingdom

Gbulung Community Library Service (Ghana)

The mission of the Gbulung Community Library Service (GCLS) is to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life for all people in the community by providing a welcoming community center where people of all ages and walks of life can come together for social, cultural and educational experiences, and by providing informational and recreational resources for community members’ enlightenment and enjoyment.



Fundación de Neurociencias

Fundación de Neurociencias trabaja para que la ciencia y la tecnología beneficien a las personas con enfermedades neurológicas y psiquiátricas, mejorando su diagnóstico, tratamiento y calidad de vida. [Foundation of Neurosciences works so that science and technology benefit people with neurological and psychiatric diseases, improving their diagnosis, treatment and quality of life.]



Foundation for Mother and Child Health (FMCH)

The Foundation for Mother & Child Health (FMCH) works to improve the lives of mothers and children in local communities by providing programmes focused on health, nutrition, education and sustainable skills training. A not-for-profit independent organization, we work with socially and/or financially disadvantaged communities regardless of their race, creed or gender. Our aim is to help children reach their potential by alleviating poverty and malnutrition.


United Kingdom

Family Medicine Unit, Department of Community Health & Primary Care, College of Medicine, University of Lagos

The Department of Community health and Primary Care was created in August 2008 with the merger of the former Department of Community Health and the Academic component of the former Institute of Child health and primary care. Courses offered by the Department start in the first year of the Medical School curriculum and run throughout the whole Curriculum.



Faculty of Medicine, Eduardo Mondlane University

The Faculty of Medicine of the Eduardo Mondlane University offers Bachelor of Medicine since 1963 and has graduated more than a thousand doctors to the country. Until the mid-1990s was the only institution in the country responsible for training doctors. Today there are other public and private institutions that are also dedicated to the training of doctors.



Evidence Aid

The Evidence Aid project was established following the tsunami in the Indian Ocean in December 2004. It uses knowledge from Cochrane Reviews and other systematic reviews to provide reliable, up-to-date evidence on interventions that might be considered in the context of natural disasters and other major healthcare emergencies. Evidence Aid seeks to highlight which interventions work, which don’t work, which need more research, and which, no matter how well meaning, might be harmful; and to provide this information to agencies and people planning for, or responding to, disasters


United Kingdom

European Federation of Salaried Doctors (FEMS)

The European Federation of Salaried Doctors (FEMS) was established in 1964 under the name of “European Federation of the Doctors of Communities”, and adopted its current denomination in 1981. It is governed by statutes registered in France according to the regulation of the international associations. Members of the Federation are representatives of trade unions and medical associations from EU member states, but it is also open to representatives from countries outside the EU.



European Association of Senior Hospital Physicians (AEMH)

The AEMH provides a European platform for hospital physicians, which develops and maintains a spirit of cooperation and communication among its national member delegations, improving the understanding of the different health systems. It encourages the exchange of ideas and experiences and promotes discussion among doctors, patients and politicians with the major objective of promoting health and improving patient safety. The AEMH assembles groups of different specialists promoting hospital management based on quality and safety, possessing valuable expertise in this field.




The EQUATOR (Enhancing the QUAlity and Transparency Of health Research) Network is an international initiative that seeks to improve the reliability and value of published health research literature by promoting transparent and accurate reporting and wider use of robust reporting guidelines. It is the first coordinated attempt to tackle the problems of inadequate reporting systematically and on a global scale; it advances the work done by individual groups over the last 15 years.


United Kingdom


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