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Press release: Global Healthcare Information Network CIC enters into Official Relations with the World Health Organization

Date: Sunday, February 20, 2022
We are delighted to announce that the 150th session of the WHO Executive Board (24-29 January 2022) has agreed to admit Global Healthcare Information Network CIC (GHI-Net) as a non-State actor in Official Relations with the World Health Organization (WHO). GHI-Net is the non-profit community interest company registered in the UK in 2005 for the sole purpose of administering the global initiative Healthcare Information For All (HIFA), launched in 2006. 

WHO & HIFA: Enhancing the quality of health services across the health system

Date: Thursday, February 17, 2022
Read the news item on the WHO website! WHO-GLL and HIFA have published the outputs of an in-depth discussion on the HIFA forums: Enhancing the Quality of Health Services Across Levels of the Health System.

Richard Horton, The Lancet: "Immediate access to reliable health information should be the hallmark of a just society"

Date: Thursday, January 20, 2022
HIFA thanks Richard Horton, editor-in-chief of The Lancet, for continuing to champion the importance of access to reliable health information.  In this week's issue of the journal he writes: 'The argument for immediate access to new health research findings is a straightforward matter of justice, not expediency. It's time for editors to say so clearly and forcefully.' Read in full

HIFA Country Representative of the Year 2021: Goran Zangana, UK/Iraq

Date: Tuesday, January 18, 2022
HIFA announces our HIFA Country Representative of the Year 2021: *** Goran Zangana (UK/Iraq) *** Goran Zangana is a medical doctor and Associate Research Fellow with the Middle East Research Institute, Iraq. He is currently based in the UK.

Call for expressions of interest: HIFA and WHO seek a new operational partner for HIFA-Spanish

Date: Thursday, November 11, 2021
(Español abajo)  Global Healthcare Information Network (GHI-Net) and the World Health Organization (WHO) seek a new operational partner to further develop HIFA-Spanish.  Start date: February 2022 (flexible) About HIFA-Spanish

A new HIFA thematic discussion: Maintaining essential health services during the pandemic: What have we learned? Starts 15 November 2021

Date: Monday, November 8, 2021
We can now look back on 12-18 months of experience of the COVID-19 pandemic. Some countries have now entered a recovery phase with relatively few new cases and deaths (at least for now). Other countries continue to be facing heavy caseloads. Almost ever country has been affected and we have seen that essential health services - reproductive health, child health, mental health, non-communicable disease, surgery - have been severely disrupted in many ways.

Press release: Healthcare Information For All (HIFA) launches new strategy to accelerate progress towards universal access to reliable healthcare information

Date: Monday, October 25, 2021
COVID-19 has underlined the urgent need to accelerate progress towards universal access to reliable healthcare information. Never before has everyone been so aware of the need for reliable healthcare information, and yet so vulnerable to misinformation.

Learning for quality health services: A new thematic discussion on HIFA

Date: Monday, June 21, 2021
We are delighted to announce a new thematic discussion on the HIFA forums - Learning for quality health services - supported by the WHO Global Learning Laboratory (GLL) for Quality UHC. 

HIFA: Maintaining essential health services during the pandemic: Deep dive, 10 May-25 June 2021

Date: Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Starting on 10 May HIFA is hosting a 'deep-dive' exploration on how to maintain essential health services: reproductive health, child health, mental health, non-communicable diseases, surgery, emergency care. Throughout we shall include a focus on vulnerable people as well as the general population. These explorations will unfold week by week over 6 weeks, guided by an expert working group of representatives of WHO and other organisations. The work is supported by WHO.

HIFA announces coordination team for Country Representatives

Date: Saturday, April 3, 2021
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