Call for submissions: Documenting public health Good Practices in South Africa

25 October, 2024

*Call for submissions: Documenting public health Good Practices in South Africa*

*Share your innovations to improve health outcomes*

*Call for Good Practices*

We are inviting public health professionals, organisations, and institutions to submit good practices that have effectively addressed critical health challenges in South Africa. These practices should showcase innovative approaches, lessons learned, and their impact on communities or public health systems. This call aims to document and disseminate successful interventions/programmes, helping others to replicate and scale these practices across the health sector.

*Who should submit?*

We encourage submissions from:

- Healthcare providers (clinics, hospitals)

- Healthcare workers

- Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

- Public health agencies

- Community health workers

- Academic institutions

- Policy makers

- Private sector stakeholders

- Civil society/Health advocacy groups

- Traditional healers

- Philanthropic organisations

- Technology and innovation partners

- Local government authorities

*Submissions should include*

1. Title of the practice

2. Background: What challenge did this practice address?

3. Description of the practice: Explain the approach taken, stakeholders involved, and methods used.

4. Outcomes: Describe the impact, including quantitative and qualitative results.

5. Lessons learned: Key insights and what others can learn.

6. Scalability: Potential for replication or scale in other contexts.

7. Supporting materials (optional): documents or publications showcasing the practice.

*Why participate?*

By submitting your good practice, you will:

- Contribute to a body of knowledge on effective public health interventions.

- Gain recognition for your organisation’s efforts.

- Share your work.

- Help shape future policies and interventions.

Email submissions to:

For more information about HST, visit:

HIFA profile: Maryam Rumaney currently works as a freelance scientific and English language editor. In addition, she offers consulting services to the laboratory industry. mbrumaney AT