Question on stakeholder engagement in LMICs - journals

11 May, 2022

Dear HIFA Colleagues

We have a number of papers on engagement processes that have struggled to find an interested journal despite our belief that these would be very helpful to researchers and those implementing evidence in practice and policy. They use respiratory examples but have generalisable messages. Any thoughts on receptive journals for papers, and also framing options? For example I note that a recent message about civil society involvement used a human rights journal and equity lens.

We have outcome data too but word counts never allow enough space for the process, and we think many readers would appreciate more detail on processes.

Four examples:

- sustaining stakeholder engagement in research during the COVID pandemic

- stakeholder engagement by primary care researchers - process to ensure prioritisation, delivery, analysis and dissemination all engage relevant stakeholders

- creating a social movement for health - the Asthma Right Care approach to mobilise primary care and patients to transform outdated and harmful asthma care.

- improving capability to teach primary care by primary care using a cascaded teach the teacher process.

Maybe we’re wrong - maybe there isn’t interest in process?

Any thoughts gratefully received!




HIFA profile: Sian Williams is Chief Executive Officer at the International Primary Care Respiratory Group in the UK. Professional interests: Implementation science, NCDs, primary care, respiratory health, education, evaluation, value, breaking down silos. AT