Dear Maria [Maria Eugenia Aponte-Rueda, Venezuela]
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and the literature pertaining to the different themes you raised [ ]. I have a question for you. If we focus especially on civil society organizations - formal or informal - that set out to facilitate representation directly or indirectly of members of the public (as compared to perhaps representing professional interests of health professional associations, although “professional” and “public” interests can intersect), do examples come to mind that demonstrate promising practices that have created greater space for including experiences/views/preferences of the public when forming health policy?
Kind regards
HIFA profile: Unni Gopinathan is a Senior Scientist aat Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway. Unni is joint coordinator of the HIFA working group on SUPPORT-SYSTEMS: How can decision-making processes for health systems strengthening and universal health coverage be made more inclusive, responsive and accountable?
Email: Unni.Gopinathan AT