Transforming health care: stories of changemakers across the world (5) Asthma Right Care

26 March, 2022

Thank you for sharing the WHO film and message Neil. [ ] It rings so true - we've been developing a social movement approach to asthma - Asthma Right Care - that has spread to 17 countries now, and it illustrates all these points. We have advocated for distributed leadership, followership, bringing joy to work, triggering many conversations - inspired by Helen Bevan, UK amongst others - her Twitter account is always great to read:

Rather than a top-down campaign, Asthma Right Care has enabled creativity from all those in the "asthma system" and if you go to you'll see "silent movie" films, giant slide rules, case studies, films created by young people. The aim is to create a bottom up force for change in systems to move away from reliance on episodic acute care to reliance on supported self-management with the right medicines.

As we spread to more countries the most important problem varies. Episodic care might be over-reliance on inhaled bronchodilators without tackling underlying inflammation - despite 30 years of evidence about its importance; or episodic use of hospitals rather than inhalers. But in some countries the conversation about asthma can't even start because of stigma; or the problem is under-diagnosis so that asthma isn't even on the agenda.

We need to engage the whole system, as in some countries access to asthma inhalers is a thorny cost issue.

Our scaling up goals are to go to more parts of each system (pharmacists are very engaged!), to more geographies and to go deeper - to achieve transformational change. Our next challenge is to evaluate the impact not just in terms of behaviour change, but also of our approach: have we achieved our goals of distributed leadership, building trust and improving relations between different parts of the system.



HIFA profile: Sian Williams is Chief Executive Officer at the International Primary Care Respiratory Group in the UK. Professional interests: Implementation science, NCDs, primary care, respiratory health, education, evaluation, value, breaking down silos. AT