Country Representative Jackeline Alger will give a presentation on HIFA at the 13th Central America and Caribbean Congress of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, August 22-26, 2017.
INICIATIVA HIFA SOBRE INFORMACIÓN DE CUIDADOS DE SALUD PARA TODOS. Jackeline Alger, MD, PhD; Tara Ballav Adhikari, BPH, MSc PH; Neil Pakenham-Walsh, MB, BS, DCH, DRCOG. Unidad de Investigación Científica, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, UNAH; University of Southern Denmark, Esbjerg, Coordinación Representantes de País, HIFA; Coordinación, HIFA and CHIFA, Global Healthcare Information Network, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, Reino Unido.
She will also announce the forthcoming launch of HIFA-Spanish, a joint initiative of WHO, PAHO, Andalucian School of Public Health and Global Healthcare Information Network/HIFA.
Jackeline works in the Parasitology Service, Department of Clinical Laboratories, Hospital Escuela Universitario, and at the Faculty of Medical Sciences, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. She is a Country Representative for HIFA and CHIFA and she is the holder of the HIFA Country Representative of the Year Award 2015.
We are grateful to Jackeline and other HIFA Country Representatives worldwide for their ongoing work to raise awareness of healthcare information issues and encouraging colleagues to join. (Thanks to Jackeline, HIFA already has 156 members in Honduras which is fantastic for a small, Spanish-speaking country. We look forward to welcome many more when we launch HIFA-Spanish later this year.)