HIFA's first systematic review: How primary healthcare workers obtain information for safe prescribing in LMICsDate: Friday, April 10, 2020We are delighted to announce the publication in BMJ Global Health of our first systematic review: How primary healthcare workers obtain information during consultations to aid safe prescribing in low-income and lower middle-income countries. |
HIFA Blog: Month in Review, January 2020 - What is global health?Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2020Quote of the month: "Since we didn't know at the time that a particular sneeze in Wuhan can have a serious impact in Ouagadougou or London, there is probably a good operational argument for not making a distinction between "public health" and "global health" at all” (HIFA steering group member Chris Zielinski, UK) |
BMJ editorial: Healthcare information for allDate: Saturday, February 29, 2020Our editorial 'Healthcare information for all', co-authored with Fiona Godlee (Editor-in-Chief, BMJ), has just been published in The BMJ. This editorial was prompted by the recent official statement on 'Healthcare Information For All' by the World Medical Association, which represents more than 10 million doctors worldwide. |
HIFA Annual Review 2018Date: Thursday, February 27, 2020Here is the (belated) HIFA Annual Review for 2018. Thanks to all our members and volunteers for your ongoing support. |
Christopher Chibuike Alagboso, Nigeria: HIFA Country Representative of the Year 2019Date: Wednesday, February 26, 2020On behalf of the HIFA Steering Group, we are delighted to announce the winners of our HIFA Country Representative of the Year awards. The overall winner is Christopher Chibiuke Alagboso, from Nigeria (pictured). Chibuike has helped raise the visibility of HIFA in Nigeria (we now have 1,587 HIFA members in Nigeria!) and also participated in the launch of the HIFA Appeal, March 2019, where he gave an excellent presentation, which you can see on the HIFA YouTube Channel. Special commendations are awarded to: |
HIFA Blog: Month in Review, December 2019 - Virtual communities of practice: reducing CO2 emissions, fostering better communicationDate: Monday, February 3, 2020Quote of the month: “It’s true that environmental degradation is surrounding us in all we do and all we eat and it seems that there is no escape. The impact of all this on health of people is enormous and cannot be ignored."(HIFA Steering Group member Najeeb Al-Shorbaji, Jordan) |
HIFA invites everyone to contribute to Geneva Health Forum Roundtable: How can we improve the availability and use of health research information in LMICs?Date: Tuesday, January 28, 2020Definition: 'Health research information' here refers primarily (but not exclusively) to peer-reviewed research papers, as typically published in journals. The HIFA Access to Health Research project is planning a Roundtable at the Geneva Health Forum, 24th March 2020, on the theme What next steps are needed to improve the availability and use of health research information in LMICs? Join HIFA to take part in the pre-event thematic discussion on the following questions: |
WAME 'encourages all medical journal editors to encourage authors to provide abstracts in the language of the location where the research took place'Date: Friday, January 24, 2020Healthcare Information For All (HIFA) has long been advocating that medical journal editors across the world should consider the information needs of the vast majority of the global population who do not have English as a first language. |
HIFA welcomes WONCA as 400th HIFA Supporting Organisation!Date: Tuesday, January 21, 2020HIFA is delighted to welcome the World Organization of Family Doctors WONCA as our 400th official supporting organisation! |
World Medical Association unites doctors worldwide towards healthcare information for allDate: Thursday, December 19, 2019As we approach the end of another successful year, the HIFA Steering Group is delighted to announce that the World Medical Association (WMA), which represents more than 10 million doctors worldwide, has unanimously approved and published a Statement on Healthcare Information For All in recognition of the significance of tackling information poverty to improve global health. This statement was proposed by the British Medical Association which has long supported HIFA's efforts to improve access to |